Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Care

Finding a doctor certified in Atlas Orthogonal in Colorado Springs is hard…because there is only one: Dr. Erik Arter, DC.

After Dr. Arter completed graduate school, he spent two years practicing in an Atlas Orthogonal-only clinic in Arizona.

The Atlas Orthogonal technique gained its name for its focus on the Atlas bone in the spine, also known as, Cervical-1 or C-1, meaning it is the first bone in the spine at the top of the spine, beneath the skull.
How is Atlas Orthogonal different from general chiropractic technique?
Atlas Orthogonal. utilizes an instrument designed by Dr. Roy Sweat and the engineers at Georgia Tech University. The Atlas Orthogonal adjustment was designed to adjust the upper cervical spine with more precision. Incidentally, the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is very gentle.

The target of the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is the first vertebra in the neck. It is unique in its shape and location. First, the Atlas is only held in place by ligaments and muscles and has no disc to tether it to the next vertebra. Second, it houses and protects the brain stem your body’s central computer.

Your Atlas should be sitting square with the head and the rest of the neck. Your eyes and inner ear are designed to be level with the horizon, along with the Atlas. When these three components are not in agreement, the nervous system suffers; however, the symptoms are not always found in the neck.

Your brain instinctively uses muscles to place your head level with the horizon. In the case of a misaligned Atlas, this can add stress throughout the rest of the spine, shoulders, back, pelvis, hips, knees, and ankles.

Because the Atlas is located at the area of the brain stem misalignment in this area can and often does ultimately affect the health of the entire body including the nervous system, organs, glands, vessels and as well as the musculoskeletal system.

If you are interested in scheduling a free consultation to discuss the Atlas Orthogonal technique further, and how it can benefit your health, call us at 719.475.8676.

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Thrive Health Systems
East Location
Phone: 719-394-4588
Address: 5410 Powers Center Pointe STE 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80920