You maybe suffering needlessly from carpal tunnel synd

Carpal tunnel is when the carpal tunnel in the wrist reduces in diameter (often due to scar tissue or swelling) and the median nerve that pass through the tunnel become impeded. The result is numbness in the hands, muscle atrophy, pain, tingling, and weakness.

The cause of Carpal Tunnel is unknown, but it is commonly thought to be caused by overuse. This overuse can tissue built up or swelling that impedes the median nerve.

Carpal Tunnel is commonly misdiagnosed. The assumption that hand numbness is automatically associated with the Carpal Tunnel is short-sighted. Numbness in the hands can be rooted in many places between the neck and hand, to include the shoulder and elbow.

Treatment options

We see many patients who think that their only option for treatment of Carpal Tunnel is surgery. This is not true. If the symptoms in the hand are being caused by swelling in the elbow or shoulder or an injury in the neck, then a Carpal Tunnel surgery can be wasteful and detrimental. It is important to identify the exact cause of the symptoms.

Even if the Carpal Tunnel is the root of the problem, there are many other options for you prior to surgery. We inform patients that there is no such thing as a minor surgery, and that it is in everyone’s best interest to try the most non-invasive, cost-effective measures first, prior to cutting the body and potentially creating scar tissue that can worsen the problem.

Cold laser therapy was FDA-approved in the United States due a study performed on Ford Motor Co. employees suffering from Carpal Tunnel. Laser therapy reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process of damaged tissues.

We use both a cold laser and a Class IV laser therapy to treat patients in pain. We offer two free trial sessions.